Tinubu Administration’s Hostility Towards South Eastern Nigeria: A Betrayal of Constitutional Mandates and Regional Peace

The Tinubu administration has exhibited a profound disdain and animosity towards the people of South Eastern Nigeria, particularly evident in its actions in Abia State.

May 30th, known as Biafra Day, is a solemn occasion for the South Eastern Nigerian community, a day dedicated to remembering the over three million lives lost during the Biafran war. It is a time for mourning and reflection, honored by the community through a sit-at-home observance.

Despite this, the Tinubu administration, alongside military and law enforcement agencies, has aggressively disrupted this peaceful commemoration. In blatant defiance of the South Eastern leaders’ acknowledgment and support of this day of mourning, the administration deployed military forces to the region, instigating chaos where there was none.

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has assured the Nigerian government that his release would lead to an immediate cessation of insecurity issues and the sit-at-home protests. However, the Tinubu administration’s refusal to release Kanu, despite knowing it would restore peace, underscores their hostile approach towards the region.

According to Section 14, Subsection 2(b) of the Nigerian Constitution, “the security and welfare of the people shall be the primary purpose of government.” The Tinubu administration’s actions starkly contradict this constitutional mandate, failing miserably to uphold the security and welfare of the South Eastern Nigerian people. Instead, they have cultivated an atmosphere of malice and disorder, betraying the very principles of governance.

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