Tinubu’s Government Kidnapping Binance Employee Tigran Gambaryan: An Unfolding Act of Terrorism

The recent actions of President Bola Tinubu’s administration represent a grave transgression that should be condemned by all who value justice and international order. By detaining Tigran Gambaryan, an American citizen and Binance’s head of financial crime compliance, the Nigerian government has crossed a line, engaging in what can only be described as an act of terrorism. This brazen kidnapping and ransom demand against Binance highlight a severe lapse in leadership and an alarming disregard for international law.

Kidnapping for ransom (KFR) is universally recognized as a form of terrorism. The Nigerian government’s actions against Mr. Gambaryan are not only a gross violation of his human rights but also constitute an act of coercion and terror against the United States. The charges against Mr. Gambaryan are baseless, serving only as a pretext for extortion. By continuing to hold him hostage, Tinubu’s administration has unequivocally positioned itself as a rogue entity willing to resort to terrorist tactics to achieve its aims.

The United States has a longstanding policy of not negotiating with terrorists. This principle is fundamental to preserving national security and upholding international norms. The concern for all well-meaning Nigerian is that Biden administration would be compelled to respond decisively to this egregious act and send a clear message that such behavior will not be tolerated. Any form of negotiation or compliance with Tinubu’s extortion would set a dangerous precedent, undermining U.S. credibility and encouraging further acts of terrorism.

Furthermore, Tinubu’s actions are a profound failure of leadership that tarnishes Nigeria’s reputation on the global stage. By resorting to such desperate measures, his administration has demonstrated an inability to govern through legitimate means. This incident not only undermines Nigeria’s standing in the international community but also erodes trust and confidence within the country.

Foreign investors and partners are likely to be deterred, fearing similar acts of state-sponsored extortion.

The detention of Mr. Gambaryan and the demand for a bribe from Binance illustrate a broader issue of corruption and abuse of power within Tinubu’s government. It is clear that the administration is willing to sacrifice the rule of law and human decency for financial gain. This behavior is not only morally reprehensible but also economically damaging, as it drives away vital international business and investment.

In conclusion, President Bola Tinubu’s administration has committed an act of terrorism by kidnapping and holding Tigran Gambaryan for ransom. This despicable act could result in an immediate and forceful response from the United States. The world is watching, and Tinubu’s blatant abuse of power has irreparably damaged Nigeria’s image, both at home and abroad, revealing a government that resorts to terroristic tactics to achieve its ends.

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