Tinubu’s Administration Desperate, Corrupt Scam on Nigerian UAE Visa Applicants

The recent exposé by investigative journalist David Hundeyin has pulled back the curtain on what appears to be a shameless attempt by the Tinubu administration to scam Nigerians looking to apply for UAE visas. This fraudulent scheme, demanding exorbitant fees under the guise of a ‘document verification service’, is a stark reminder of the administration’s ongoing failures and unethical practices.

The Dubious Website and David Hundeyin’s Revelations

Renowned investigative journalist David Hundeyin uncovered a suspicious website, documentverificationhub.ae, which charges Nigerian travelers N680,000 for a supposed document verification service necessary for UAE visa applications. The site was promoted by Nigeria’s Minister of Communication and National Orientation, Mohammed Idris, who claimed that the UAE had lifted its visa ban on Nigerians. However, no such confirmation has been provided by UAE authorities, raising immediate red flags.

Further investigation revealed that the website does not follow the typical “.gov.ae” format used by official UAE government sites. Instead, it ends with “.ae”, a domain that can be registered by anyone. The domain’s registrar is hiding their identity using a paid proxy, with the proxy owner identified as Jean Geoffrion, the CTO of a Spanish IT company, Global Voice Group. This company specializes in “raising sustainable revenue” through high-traffic regulatory activities, which includes visa applications, and operates predominantly in Africa.

The site is hosted on an Amazon AWS server in Ireland, contrary to UAE’s practice of hosting government websites on Middle East AWS servers. Payments are processed through Flutterwave, a popular payment gateway in Nigeria, further casting doubt on the site’s legitimacy. Despite the glaring discrepancies, the Nigerian government has yet to issue a disclaimer, leading to suspicions of official complicity in this dubious operation.

UAE’s Denial and Tinubu’s Desperation

In a subsequent development, the UAE categorically denied any involvement with the website or its exorbitant fees. The UAE’s Department of Economy and Tourism stated that the DV hub website is not affiliated with the UAE government. Additionally, Dubai’s General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFAD) clarified that the standard tourist visa process costs around N60,000 – N90,000, a stark contrast to the N680,000 demanded by the scam site.

This denial from UAE authorities further underscores the deception orchestrated by the Tinubu administration. The administration’s attempt to impose an additional N640,000 fee for document verification, on top of the already inflated visa fees, reveals a desperate bid to extract money from Nigerian citizens. The demand for a six-month bank statement with a minimum balance of $10,000 as part of the visa requirements was also debunked by UAE officials, highlighting the fraudulent nature of the entire operation.

A Bankrupt Administration Resorting to Scams

Tinubu’s administration is facing severe economic challenges. The country is grappling with high inflation, a devalued currency, and rising unemployment rates. Amidst this economic turmoil, the administration’s revenue sources are dwindling, and traditional avenues of corruption are drying up. In this context, the administration appears to have resorted to scamming its citizens to generate cash flow.

This latest scandal is not an isolated incident but part of a broader pattern of corruption and mismanagement that has characterized Tinubu’s tenure. The administration has been criticized for its inability to implement effective economic policies, leading to widespread poverty and social unrest. The fraudulent visa scheme is a clear indication of the administration’s desperation and moral bankruptcy.

The Human and Economic Impact

The economic and human impact of these disgraceful activities cannot be overstated. The N680,000 demanded for the fake document verification service is a substantial sum for most Nigerians, many of whom are struggling to make ends meet. For those who have been deceived into paying these fees, the financial loss is devastating. Moreover, the fraudulent scheme has likely discouraged many legitimate travelers from pursuing opportunities abroad, further exacerbating the economic hardship faced by Nigerians.

The fallout from this scandal also tarnishes Nigeria’s international reputation. The perception of widespread corruption and government complicity in fraudulent schemes undermines the country’s credibility and deters foreign investment. It also damages the trust between the government and its citizens, as the very officials who are supposed to protect and serve the public are instead exploiting them for personal gain.

Conclusion: A Call for Accountability and Reform

The exposure of the fraudulent UAE visa scheme is a damning indictment of Tinubu’s administration. It highlights not only the administration’s failure to provide economic stability and security for its citizens but also its willingness to engage in deceitful practices to generate revenue. This scandal should serve as a wake-up call for Nigerians to demand greater accountability and transparency from their leaders.

The government must take immediate steps to shut down the fraudulent website and refund the money to those who have been scammed. Additionally, there needs to be a thorough investigation into the involvement of government officials in this scheme, with appropriate legal action taken against those found guilty. Furthermore, the administration should focus on implementing sound economic policies that can revive the economy and provide genuine opportunities for Nigerians, rather than resorting to scams and deceit.

In conclusion, Tinubu’s administration has shown itself to be morally and financially bankrupt, willing to exploit its own citizens in a desperate bid to maintain power and generate revenue.


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