The Grave Failure of Tinubu’s Administration in Securing Northern Nigeria

Under the leadership of President Tinubu, the failure to ensure the safety and security of Nigerian citizens stands in stark violation of the Nigerian Constitution. This dereliction of duty is most evident in the administration’s inability to protect the nation from the brutal onslaught of ISWAP, Boko Haram and other bandit groups. These groups not only perpetrate violence against innocent civilians, committing acts of genocide and sexual violence, but also regularly target and kill members of the Nigerian Armed Forces in northern Nigeria.

The recurring loss of military personnel in northern Nigeria is an abominable and unacceptable reality. It starkly contrasts with countries like the United States, where the killing of armed forces members on home soil is virtually unheard of. The ease with which these insurgents operate and the frequency of these attacks raise serious questions about the capability and resolve of the Tinubu administration, military, and law enforcement agencies.

Meanwhile, the administration demonstrates a swift and heavy-handed response to domestic disturbances in the southeast, deploying gunships, artillery, and battle tanks. This disparity in response suggests a troubling misallocation of military resources and a skewed prioritization that fails to address the more pressing and deadly threats posed by insurgents in the north.

The apparent cowardice and ineffective strategies of the Tinubu government in confronting ISWAP, Boko Haram and similar threats are a national disgrace. It is a shameful embarrassment that highlights a profound failure in leadership and governance, undermining the very essence of national security and sovereignty.

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